A Busy Summer for Wiltshire Piper and Friends: Celebrating Milestones and Looking Ahead to Burns Night 2025

It has been a very busy time for the Wiltshire Piper and his Friends and members within The Home Counties Pipes and Drums

In July we covered 22 requests including Weddings, Funerals and Birthdays including 2 being 100thBirthday Celebrations

August has also been vey busy and on one particular day, we had 5 pipers out, all at different locations throughout The United Kingdom and to date in August we have covered 19 clients with both Pipers and Drummers within the Band.

Burns Nights January 2025

We are now starting to receive requests for Burns Nights January 2025.  Traditionally Burns night is January 25th Rabbie Burns Birthday, but you can have a Burns Supper at any time to celebrate this great poet’s works

Please contact us should you wish a piper at your event

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Tony Hurst